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Peripheral Labs. If I had a a euro for every time someone has asked me why the company is “Peripheral”. The honest thing is that one day a friend suggested I call the company “Peripheral Games”, I thought about it for a while before deciding that that is a nice name for the company. It reflects the out of the box thinking that we do here. We strive to be different, we are on the periphery of the norm and so we are “Peripheral Labs”.

The company was called Peripheral Games for two years but as I’m sure you have noticed we have just relaunched as Peripheral Labs because we do more than games. We do technology and science.

My name is David Colson and I’m sure you have never heard of me but hopefully there will be a day when I can rewrite this about page to reflect the fact that you do know who I am.

I am the CEO and founder of the company, now let me tell you why I made this company. My mind is like a messy office desk. I think faster than my actions as I think about the most mundane things around me and I wonder how and why. This curiosity is the cause of my fascination with physics and science. Which shows on this website and sometimes in my games. One day I found game development. A practice so complex and diverse I could never possible get bored. I was right, three years later I am pushing my way into the industry whether people want another young game developer or not. Until now I have done it completely free and not made a dime out of it, simply because I love it. I can carry on doing it through my life provided I can feed myself. This is why 2013 is the year Peripheral Labs gets thrust into the limelight so our little voice is heard over many others.



  • http://orangecitadel.blogspot.ie/ Peter Mulholland

    Hi David, I’m trying to help my 16yr-old son find a few weeks work experience in the gaming field. He is a Transition Year student here in South Dublin and I’d like his required work experiance project to involve something he loves = gaming. Any advice/contacts would be appreciated. peter.mulholland4@gmail.com